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Espresso Organico Dark (ORG)-Bulk-5 lb.
    Espresso Organico Dark (ORG)-Bulk-5 lb.
    Purchase Espresso Organico Dark (ORG)-Bulk-5 lb.
    • SKU: 430
      Espresso Organico Dark (ORG)-Bulk-5 lb.

    • $72.78


    A darker roasted version of our most popular Espresso Organico blend, it consists of 4 different single origin coffees. One is a Fair Trade Certified, organically grown coffee from Central America. We combine this with an organically grown African and 2 diverse organically grown South American beans to create this complex and yes, knock your socks off espresso. The rich, thick, crema is second to none.

    Fresh roasted organically grown espresso is in high (and growing rapidly) demand in progressive coffee shops throughout the U.S. If you are looking for a wholesale organically grown espresso for your coffee shop, our organic espresso will help you rise above your competition.

    The world's most renowned coffee expert, Ken Davids of says this in his blind assessment: "Roundly deep, smoky aroma with hints of low-acid fruit and dark chocolate. In the small cup medium body, slightly syrupy mouthfeel, pungently sweet with aromatic wood, dark chocolate, and a continued hint of low-acid fruit, mango perhaps. The sweetness carries into the finish, but fades toward a smoky astringency in the long. Powerful presence in milk, almost too powerful in short milk, where the dry, smoky character dominates. Sweetens in big milk (four parts or more), moving the dark chocolate and mangoish fruit notes forward and softening astringency. Who should drink it: Those who value smoky intensity in a very dark-roasted espresso that preserves sweetness, body, and some complexity. Extremely strong presence in milk; should be able to stand up to almost any amount of dairy and embellishments."

    This espresso is outstanding for cappuccinos, lattes, mochas and is loved by the straight-shot espresso enthusiast.