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Java Junkie Forum

Free Samples & More Consumer Samples Subscribers to our Java Junkie Forum email receive free samples (see below) with orders, exclusive coupon codes for online purchases, and first access to new Limited Edition Reserve coffees. Our special offer coupons are not published on our website for general public visitors. Make sure to read each email issue. Subscribe to the Java Junkie Forum at the bottom of the page. We promise no sharing of your email. Free Wholesale Coffee Samples for Coffee Shops Coffee Consulting & Guidance Wholesale Samples

Every independent coffee shop or cafe is unique. Our Master Roaster will be happy to consult with you to help you decide on the best specialty coffees to serve your customers, based on your goals and environment. We will then send you free samples so you can do your own cupping to match.

You can also earn how our free private label coffee services can help differentiate your coffee shop or cafe from the competition. Contact us today.

Free Consumer Samples

Java Junkie Forum subscribers can get a free sample with any Large size 2.2 lb bag, or one Bulk 5 lb size bag, or four 12 oz size bags, or more. Simply request your free sample choice in the comments box during checkout. Jamaican Blue Mountain is not included. Do not add the sample size product to your shopping cart. as you will be charged.

This is a great opportunity to try new coffees when you order your regular fix. If we do not have enough of your sample choice the day we produce your order, we may need to substitute. Limit one sample per order. Subscribe below.

Limited Edition Reserves Our Limited Edition Reserves category is for very special single origin coffees of which we have, by definition, only limited supplies. Sometimes, a new offering will sell out within several days. As a Java Junkie Forum subscriber, you receive advance notice of their arrival, before the general public, including the opportunity to get a free sample! Subscribe today to our Java Junkie Forum email list at the bottom of this page.
"The Caffeinated Puck" Each issue of the Java Junkie Forum features "The Caffeinated Puck" column providing valuable coffee news, insight on worldwide developments, new coffee trends, preparation techniques, coffee recipes and other coffee tips helping you experience the best cup. Stay informed by subscribing to the Java Junkie Forum email list at the bottom of this page. Free Fridge Magnets Subscribe to the Java Junkie Forum email list below and you can collect the entire collection of our tongue-in-cheek humor slogan art for your refrigerator. Choose a free magnet with any order of a combination of 40 ounces or more (any size combo) of fresh roasted gourmet coffee. Collect them all and share with a friend.