Proven Satisfaction
Not all coffee is created equal. Of course we tell anyone that asks we are very proud of the great coffee we produce. But in today's world, consumers not only vote with their wallet but also with their online reviews. Consumers respond to high quality. For instance our own popular Jo Coffee® brand is one of Amazon's highest rated organic coffee brands and one of our coffee shop clients was voted by their customers as the "Best Coffee Shop" in the entire state. Your specialty coffee order is fresh roasted then shipped within hours. Experience the difference with Specialty Java's highly rated coffee!
Specialty Java Brand
Before we launched our Jo Coffee® brand on Amazon, with it's famous and much desired five star rating system, we collected coffee reviews for our Specialty Java coffee. As they were submitted to us we saved them to a single file. This collection of thousands of coffee reviews can be viewed, just not as conveniently, by browsing a long list. We actually stopped collecting them several years ago with the phenomenal success of our Jo Coffee® brand and Amazon's convenient rating system.
Jo Coffee® Brand
Jo Coffee® products are simply 10 of our fresh roasted USDA Certified Organic coffees, but packaged with our trademarked Jo Coffee® label. Our Jo Coffee® brand is now one of Amazon's highest rated organic coffee brands in the United States with over 10000+ Five Star coffee reviews and growing rapidly. We offer several of our Jo Coffee® brand organic coffee items on Amazon, but not our special case discounts. Shop for free shipping and all our special case discounts.