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Coffee Reviews

20,000+ Positive Coffee Reviews Proven Consumer Satisfaction

Not all coffee is created equal. Our fresh roasted specialty coffee has become one of the highest rated organic coffee brands, with over 20,000+ positive coffee reviews on Amazon by end-consumers.

In addition, one of our coffee shop clients was voted by their customers as the "Best Coffee Shop" in the entire state. Experience the difference with Specialty Java's highly rated coffee!

Like our coffee? Post your own Google Review below.

Our Specialty Java™ Brand

Before we launched our wildly popular Jo Coffee® brand in 2013 on Amazon, we collected over 1,000 coffee reviews for our Specialty Java™ brand in an off-line file. Unfortunately it was lost s few years ago.

If you buy on our you like our Specialty Java™ brand coffee we hope you will post a Google Review.

Our Jo Coffee® Brand

Jo Coffee products are simply 10 of our most popular fresh roasted USDA Certified Organic coffees, but packaged with our trademarked Jo Coffee label.

Our Jo Coffee® brand is now one of Amazon's highest rated organic coffee brands in the United States with over 20,000+ five star coffee reviews.

Wholesale Client Reviews

"We came into our Java John's coffee shop business with Specialty Java coffee already on the menu. Within a short time of operating, it was clear from customers that we had the best coffee in town. A university chemistry professor asked what we were using because he did coffee roasting with his students and said he knew coffee and ours was the best. Lots of coffee roasters tried to coax us to change, but we knew better. Never change what isn't broken. Specialty Java has always provided wonderful service with timely deliveries and great labels for our individual packaging. Best of all is the COFFEE!" Kimberly (owner) and Blake (manager) Bosworth | Java John's Coffee Shop | Iowa

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